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Second prize of the 2009 China R&D Engineering AwardINTERACT 2009US Patent

Microsoft Research Asia
UX Designer for 8 months

A website helps Chinese learn English. I have been working on Engkoo from the very begining and now it's the hottest online english tool in China.


Hengye Motor Manufacturing Co.
Project Manager for 3 month
An equipment helps people burn fat. From prototypes to product, I experienced a full design process.
I also designed something special for it.

“Best Graduation Project” of 2008 China Industrial Design Education ConferenceDesign Emotion 2008

Yadu Science & Technology Co.
Producet Designer for 8 months
I designed a humidifier simulating a live flower that needs to be ‘nurtured’, which fulfills emotional needs for the users.

“Best Graduation Project” of 2008 China Industrial Design Education ConferenceIEEE 10th International Conference on Computer-aided Industrial Design & Conceptual Design

Yadu Science & Technology Co.
Producet Designer for 8 months
A pair of humidifier and purifier, as a gift for the Olympic game market.

Second prize of Fengru Cup

I created with my team members simulated reptiles that can move and work in narrow pipelines without causing horizontal obstruction.


People’s Bank of China Training Center
Web Designer for 4 months
An internal website-based management system, using ASP+SQL

Concept Design
Green Seeds
Gold Prize of Zhenhai Cup Design Competition

A kind of gum bottle can help people package chewed gum and throw away later. I believe that for the nature, less pollution equals more affection.

Open Sky
Finalist prize of HuaPu Automobile Design Cup

An automobile that simulated shark and airforce, shows a big scenery to drivers.

Band-Aid Mattress
Finalist of iF Design Award

A band-aid with mattress that gives the wound pressure to stop bleeding, and protect te wound from sudden hit.

Silver Award of WingTech Design Award

A “Friend Finder” application in mobile phone that helps people to find the ‘right person’ you want to meet nearby, especially on social occasions, such as parties or conferences.

Infinite USB
iF concept award 2010

A new kind of USB plug-in, provides an USB port when occupies one. There is no limitation of the USB port of labtop anymore.

Magic Blocks

A toy helps children make the toy by themselves. It is an advanced building blocks.

Kate Zhou Handbags

Based on the brand spirit of Kate Zhou handbags, I designed a logo for this luxury brand.

Cute Emily

A cute character as the figure of the Rebecca Minkoff's first china exclusive edition.

2 minutes overview on portfolio part

Two minutes overview of my video ability of product demonstration.

Good Design of Beijing Student Art Exhibition

A course work called “Three-dimensional Composition” that required us to show a process of a cube turns to anything meaningful in any kind of medium, physics, pictures or video etc.

Cube & Nest

The video advertisment of Cube & Nest humidifier and purifier for Yadu.

Silver Award of WingTech Design Award

A video that illustrates the scenario of FriendFinder, using Poser, 3Dmax, Flash, AfterEffect. It is a good combination and case of my video skill.


One of many flash works I made for the course's final presentation.

College Memories

Our undergraduate school's graduation memorial CD, one of my flash video works I made for my university.