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My role:

  Microsoft Research Asia
UX Designer
7.2008-11.2008 (v0-v1)
7.2009-11.2009 (v1-v2)
Second prize of the 2009 China R&D Engineering Award
INTERACT 2009(12th IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction), Uppsala, Sweden (First author) (Download)
US Patent (OC Docket No. 418268514US)

      <marked in red: as task owner>  

I learned:

  (Version 2.0)
Phonetic Search
, User Data Submission, Teaching Method Editor(TME), Bilingual Mapping,
Dictation Game
, MSN Portal English Channel, MSN Messenger English Tool.
(Version 1.0)
Competitor Analysis
, Feature Breakdown, Prototype, Visual Design, User Study, Usability Testing

Project Manager Skills (from Matt Scott)
Collaboration and Communication Skills (from team)
User study and Usability testing method (from Chen Zhao)
Critical thinking (from Gang Chen)
Persuasive Skills (from Ming Zhou)
  Project Overview  

Engkoo is a search engine for exploring and learning language. It is built primarily by mining translation knowledge from billions of web pages - using the Internet to catch language in motion. Currently Engkoo is built for Chinese users who are learning English; however the technology itself is language independent and can be extended in the future. (http://www.engkoo.com)



  Features details:
(all the other design process is confidential)

Landing Page (Back to top)

Fill with all funny stuffs to fulfill the needs of MSN portal users

Phonetic Search (Back to top)

When you heard of some words but cannot spell them correctly, you can just spell it out and Engkoo will help you find what you want accurately.

For example, when you hear "physics", you may search it as "fiziks". Engkoo's result:

SMT (Back to top)

Statistical Machine Translation:

'I verb dog' (Back to top)

If you want to find a proper word when you are writing an article, you can put all the sentence scenario in search box and Engkoo will help you find out the right word fits the context.

Current supporting POS: n., v., adj., adv., prep.

For example, input "I v. English", the Engkoo result:

Bilingual Mapping (Back to top)

Alignment of bilingual sample sentence, helps users to find out the right word translation in sentences.

Tabs (Back to top)

Tabs design helps users get back to the history very quickly. And if there are too many tabs, you can click on drap.jpg to see the overview of history searching queries.

Combinable Tabs (Back to top)

An unique combinable tabs for the website, which allows the users drag a tab to compare with another in a very natural movement. It can realize the massive data comparison and history reverse lookup function intuitively. To close the combined tabs, click on s2.gif.

TTS (Back to top)

Using the TTS technology, every sample sentence has the pronunciation by clicking on ba.jpg .

Auto Complete (Back to top)

Auto correction:

Sample Sentence Filter (Back to top)

Unique feature among online dictionaries.

Filter by inflection:

Filter by oral or written english:

Filter by technical english:

Mutiple Search Query (Back to top)

When you want to search more than one queries at one time, you can put all of them spliting by ';'.

For example: "take;bring"


IE8 Accelerator (Back to top)
